jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


Several solutions have been proposed, but none has been carried out yet. 

One of them is the self-determination referendum, after a five-year period of autonomy under Moroccan power. This was approved by the UN in 1991 but it has been postponed and nowadays is blocked because Morocco has complained about it.

Another one is the Saharan autonomy under Moroccan power. They would be more independent but they would have the Maroccan flag, currency, customs, foreign policy, domestic affairs, police and justice.

Moreover, it can take part the division of territory from north to south.
This solution provides the division from west to east, so that Morocco would keep the north,called Sahara useful, because there are found the most useful resources of phosphates. It is an unlikely solution.

Finally another posible solution it can bi the take away of MINURSO. After many years and big costs, the UN will not solve the problem of Western Sahara without requiring either or both parties, to do something they don't want to do.

Taking everything into account, we think that if the problem hasn't solved yet, it would be difficult to solve it now. Moreover, we think that all bands should stop fighting for the territory because Sahara needs to be independent to have peace and live without risk. Here we add some pictures of people who has suffered so much.

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